Jamie Png

Industry Professional

Joined the Civica Team in July 2021

Jamie joined Civica client American Cheese Society in 2021 as its cheese industry professional. She has an MA in Food Studies from New York University and a BA in Creative Writing & Art History from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Before joining the company, she was a copywriter, a cheesemaker and affineur, and a retail store co-manager. She has 12 years of experience in the artisan cheese industry, mostly as a cheesemaker on small farms, as a cheesemonger, cheese marketer, and teaching cheese classes.

Favorite Civica Value: Fun. Life is to be enjoyed and celebrated - yes, even at work!

Favorite Vacation Spot: A large city with a vibrant arts and cultural life, fascinating history, interesting cuisine, antique/thrift shops, and beautiful architecture! (Roman ruins a plus!)

What I like to do in my off hours: Enjoying live music, films, theatre; going dancing; reading; watching football (or "soccer" to you Americans!); having meals with friends; thrifting and antiquing; sitting in city parks eating ice cream!
